* The links below should still work, but there are a LOT of scripts missing. Here is our replacement catalog page that is updated regularly: All-You-Can-Eat Script Buffet Table. (Note: Most of the scripts are for paying members, but you may read about them.)
Searching for trustworthy Readers Theater or puppet scripts for your primary level students grades K-3 or your ESL, ELL students? So far we have two options for you:
1. Try the search bar on this page to put in some keywords. (This may or may not work for your search.)
2. Browse the catalog below for your general category. Then, click on the titles you like to see an excerpt and get the download link to the whole script with annotated curriculum links for easy lesson plans.
√ = Script Buffet Club script ONLY for paying members (Note: Most holiday scripts are free.)
R = Readability grade level based on Flesch-Kincaide Readability Score. (Note: This score is often higher because of the word "narrator"--3 syllables! Other times it may be lower because of shorter sentences. Vocabulary is listed on front page of each script. Older scripts may have a "?" here--until I get the readability computed.) For example, Readability (R) 1.2 = grade 1, month 2 and Readability (R) 3.6 = grade 3, month 6.
CHORAL = entire script may be read chorally (All 2-4 part scripts will work, even if not on this list.)
CH = Chorus included, so you may have unlimited readers
FF = Friday Filler (i.e., short scripts--less than 5 minutes--to use as fun fillers)
Below is the growing index of our primary and ESL/ELL printable scripts.
NOTE: Categories preceeded by ** will jump you down the page to the relevant grouping of scripts. To see the individual script titles, please scroll down the page.
** EVERYDAY LIFE (ELL, ESL, ESOL...)--also see "Biographies" above
** FAMILY FUN (See this category in our General Script Buffet)
** HISTORY (Also see Biographies, Black History, Holiday and Patriotic categories)
** PATRIOTIC (American)
• Luise Walter Alvarez: Famous Scientist from WWII
√ FF R: 3.6 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Luis Walter Alvarez: Famous Scientist" 3 1/2 min.
• Clara Barton: Teacher, Battlefield Nurse, Red Cross Founder
√ FF R: 2.0 (Cast: 7+, boys chorus) "Clara Barton Grows Up To Be A Teacher" (Part 2 of her life) 3 min.
√ FF R: 1.7 (Cast: 4) "Clara Barton, Happy Little Helper" (Part 1 of her life) *character-building 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.3 (Cast: 6-7+, CH) "Clara Barton, Nurse and Red Cross Founder" (Part 3 of her life) 2 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.6 (Cast: 8-10+, CH) "Helping Others: Clara Barton, Teacher (with chorus)" (Part II of her life--Simplified) 7 min.
√ R: 3.6 (Cast: 8-13) "Helping Others: Clara Barton, Teacher (NO chorus)" (Part II of her life--Simplified) 6 1/2 min.
*NOTE: "Helping Others: Clara Barton, Battlefield Nurse and Red Cross Founder" (Part III of her life--Simplified) is still too hard for this index because it is readability grade 5.1 even without the word "narrator." (I have made a note to try to create a grade 3 version. Let me know if you need it asap.)
√ R: 2.7 (Cast: 4+, CH) Helping Others: Young Clara Barton (Part I of her life-Simplified)" *character-building 8 min.
• Alexander Graham Bell: Inventor (e.g., telephone...)
√ FF R: 1.1 (Cast: 3-4 OR 2-4 CHORAL groups) "Alexander Graham Bell and Mr. Watson" (True story on two historic phone conversations.) 2 min.
√ FF R: 2.1 (Cast: 3-6) "Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) 3 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 3-7) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 1: Childhood Inventor (Simplified)" (Part 1 of two parts.) * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more. 6 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 6-23+) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 1: Childhood Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Part I of two parts * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more. 6 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator") (Cast: 3-8) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" *Uses some of Bell's own words * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.
√ R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator") (Cast: 3-8) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" *Uses some of Bell's own words * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.
√ FF R: 0.0 (K-1) (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Ring! Ring! Ring! Alexander Graham Bell" 1 min.
• Kit Carson: Mountain Man/Explorer of Western U.S.
√ FF R: 2.6 (Cast: 3+) "Kit Carson: Mountain Man (Part I--Easy Version) 4 1/2 min.
• Thomas Edison: Inventor (electric light bulb, phonograph...)
Note: All four of our Edison scripts are too difficult for Readability K-3; however, I can adapt one of the more difficult scripts to be easier, if you want. The easiest is a readability level of about grade 5.5. (See the Script Buffet Grades 4-8+ Index–with Readability Levels under Biographies > E > Thomas Edison.)
• Benjamin Franklin: Writer, Statesman, Inventor, Polititian, American Patriot, Printer
Note: Most of our Franklin scripts are too difficult for K-3: however, it may be possible to adapt one of the more difficult scripts for the lower grades. Contact me if you want a custom script of Ben Franklin for your grade level.
√ FF R: 3.1 (grade 1.9 changing the reader titles to one syllable) (Cast: 3-17+) "Ben Franklin: The Be Better Plan (Part 1)" 3 2/3 min.
√ FF R: 3.4 (grade 2.1 changing the reader titles to one syllable) (Cast: 3-17+) "Ben Franklin: The Be Better Plan (Part 2)" 3+ min.
• Francis Scott Key: American Patriot (War of 1812), Poet (i.e., lyrics to "The Star Spangled Banner")
√ FF R: .9 (think grades 1-2) (Cast: 4-5) "Francis Scott Key, the Flag, and the Song" 3 1/2 min.
• The Wright Brothers: Inventors of the First Airplane
√ FF R: 2.7-3.4 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) 4 1/2 min.
Note: Most of these scripts are older and still need readability levels and time computed. They are ALL listed under Black History in our general Script Buffet Club catalog. Click Here to be taken there.
√ FF R: 3.8 (Cast 5-13+) "The Little Red Roosters, Master Chefs (Choral-Simplified)" 5 1/2 minutes; Tone: Light-hearted, with serious lessons
√ FF R: 4.7 (Cast 5-13+) "The Little Red Roosters, Master Chefs (Choral)" 5 1/2 minutes; Tone: Light-hearted, with serious lessons
** √ EASY, EMERGENT, BEGINNING READERS (grades K-1, ESL, special ed)
Short Vowels Focus (with some sight words):
Short "a"
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "A Bad Cat" * focus = short "a," with sight words * one-page, 15 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "Dad, Sam, and the Cat" * focus = short "a," with sight words * one-page, 40 sec.
√ FF R: 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "The Band" * Rhyming words focus = short "a," with sight words * one-page, 35 sec.
Short "e"
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "Ben and the Egg (Short 'a' and 'e'-advanced) *focus = short "e" with short "a" and sight words, *one-page, 45 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "Jen's Hen and Ken's Cat" *focus = short "e" with short "a" and sight words, *one-page, 45 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Red Eggs," *focus = short "e" with short "a" and sight words, 30 sec.
Short "i"
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Nick, the Cat, and the Pig" *focus = short "i" (includes short "a", short "e", and sight words), *one-page, 30-45 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Bill and Tim Dig" *focus = short "i"-ADVANCED (includes short "a", short "e", and sight words), *one page, less than 1 minute
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Six Pigs Dig" *focus = short "i" (includes short "a", short "e", and sight words), *one-page, 40 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "The Big Mess" *focus = short "i" (includes short "a", short "e", sight words, and blends), *one-page, 40 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Tim's Mess" *focus = short "i" (includes short "a", short "e", sight words, and blends), *one-page, 40 sec.
Short "o"
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2-3 CHORAL groups) "Bob's Big Mess" *focus = short "o" (includes short "a", short "e", short "i", and sight words), *one-page, 1 min.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Is the Cat in the Bag?" *focus = short "o", *one-page, 40 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 3+, includes CHORUS or use 3 CHORAL groups) "Nox and Fox" *focus = short "o" (includes short "a", short "e", short "i" and sight words), *one-page, 30 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "Rex and Tex" *focus = short "o" (includes other short vowels except "u"), *one-page, 50 sec.
Short "u"
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+, or 2 CHORAL groups) "Gus the Pup" *focus = short "u"- advanced (includes other short vowel and sight words), *one-page, 1 min.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Pup Fun" *focus = short "u" (includes other short vowels and sight words), *one-page, 40 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+, or 2 CHORAL groups) "The Gift" *focus = short "u"-advanced, one-page, 40 sec.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Tom's Pup" *focus = short "u" (includes other short vowels and sight words), *one-page, 45 sec.
Short Vowels (more difficult)
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 3+, includes CHORUS or use 3 CHORAL groups) "Pals at Bat", longer: less than 2 min.
√ FF R: grade 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Pet Shop Kids" *contains blends, *less than one minute.
√ FF R: 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) "Wet Pet," about 45 sec.
Long Vowels Focus:
Long "a"
√ FF R: 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "The Whale Cake" about 45 sec.
• Contractions:
√ FF R: 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "Is the Dog Sad?" less than a minute
• Homonyms/Homophones:
√ FF R: 1.7 (0.9 substituting visit for visitor; grades 1-2, ESL,ELL, and remedial students) (Cast: 2 or more) "A Hoarse Horse" (Homonyms/Homophones) 45 seconds, not counting giggles
√ FF R: 0.6 (Cast of 4) (primary readers in K-1, ESL, ELL) "A Pair of Pears" (Homonyms/Homophones) about 1 1/2 minutes
Varied Titles for Easy Scripts (in alphbetical order by title):
√ FF R: 0.0 gr. 1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Afraid of the Dark?" *science-related 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 gr. K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Animal Riddles: Who Am I? (#1-33)" *33 riddles, 333+ annotated curriculum links about 30 seconds each
√ FF R: 0.0 gr. K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Choral Helping Cheer" *character building, 30 sec.
√ FF R: 0.0 Gr. K-2 (Cast: 2-6+, CHORAL option) "Seed Sprouts" (w/optional actions), 45 sec.
√ FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 5+, CHORAL) "Ant Hill Heroes" *character building *science-related 3 min.
√ FF R: 1.0 (Cast: 3-4+, CHORAL) "Bees, Crickets, Ladybugs and What?" *character-building *science-related 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+, 2 groups) "Can You See Birds?" 35 secs.
√ FF R: 0,0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Can You See Cats?" 35 secs.
√ FF R: 0.0 K? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Can You See Pigs?" 1 min.
√ FF R: 1.7 (Cast: 4) "Clara Barton, Happy Little Helper" (Part 1 of her life) *character-building (NOTE: Part 2 is harder and listed under the section "Biographies" futher up the page.) 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Come to My House" *character-building 35 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "Dad, Sam, and the Cat" * focus = short "a," * one-page, 40 sec.
√ FF R: 1.3-2.5 (See note.) (Cast: 3+, optional chorus) "Fancy Frogs" (Note: Readability level grade 1.3 substituting "Red" for "Reader.") 1 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Fireflies Hide and Seek" *science related 1 min.
√ R: 1.5 (Cast: 4) "Flying B for Baloney" *backyard baseball 5+ min
√ FF R: .8 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Friends at Bat" *character-building 3+ min.
√ FF R: 0.0 gr.1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Funny Man in Blue" 1 min.
√ FF R: 0.2-1.9 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "I Like Pie" (Note: Readability scored .2 without the reader titles: "bakers" and "tasters"--1.9 with those two words ) 40 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 (think K-1) (Cast: 2 or 2 CHORAL groups) "Jen's Hen and Ken's Cat" *focus = short "e" AND short "a" words, *one-page, 45 sec.
√ FF R: .4-1.5 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Leaf Maze" (Note: Readability scored 0.4 without the word "chorus"--1.5 with that word) *science related 1 minute
√ FF R: 0.1 gr.1? (Cast: 2 OR 2 choruses) "Moon Dreams" *character-building 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0-1.6 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Moon Friend" (Note: Readability is 1.6, but 0.0 without the words "astronaut" or "magnificent.") *science related *character-building 1 minute
√ FF R: 0.0 K? (see note) (Cast: 3+, CH) "Nox and Fox" (Note: emergent, heavy on short vowels) 30+ seconds
√ FF R: 1.6 (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Oh, Give Me a Home in a Book" Based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range." (See History > Music History > Home on the Range for more on this old song.) 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 3+, CH) "Pals at Bat" (emergent) 2 min.
√ FF R: 1.5 (Cast: 5+, CH) "Pet Shop Stop" 2 min.
√ FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Rainbow Flavors (Choral)" 40 seconds
√ FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 2-6) "Rainbow Flavors (Speaker Version)" 40 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 (K-1) (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Ring! Ring! Ring! Alexander Graham Bell" 1 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Sweet Snow" 45 seconds
√ FF R: 1.4 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Take Off!" (Note: heavy on number sight words 1-12 for the Wright Brothers first flight) 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "The Haircut" 35 seconds
√ FF R: .2 (See note.) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Toadis Lives at My House" (Note: This looks harder to me than the readability score calculated...maybe first grade?) *science, nature study * based on a true story 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "The Big Red Cat" 45 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Tribes and Teams Cheer" *character-building 40 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Wet Pet" 45 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Where Is Your House?" 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.1-1.6 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Winter Faces" (Note: Readability =0.1 without the reader titles: "artists" and "runners"--1.6 with titles) 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Winter Wishes" (Note: focuses on compound words) 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Come to My House" *character-building 35 seconds
R: 2.7 (Cast: 3 or a narrator and 2 CHORUSES) "Dog Jog Adventure" *humorous 7 min.
R: 3.0 (Cast: 3 or a narrator and 2 CHORUSES) "Dog Jog Adventure (Advanced)" 7 min.
√ R: 3.3 (Cast: 4) "Flying Baloney" *true backyard story 5 1/2 min.
√ R: 1.5 (Cast: 4) "Flying B for Baloney" *true backyard story 5+ min.
√ FF R: .8 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Friends at Bat" 3+ min. *character-building
√ FF R: 2.8 (Cast: 4) "Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part I)" *true story from Depression (1930s) 4 min.
√ FF R: 2.8 (Cast: 4) "Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part II) *true story from Depression (1930s) 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 2.3 (Cast: 5) "Mystery of the Missing Cat" *based on a true story 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 3+, CH) "Pals at Bat" (emergent) 2 min.
√ FF R: 1.5 (Cast: 5+, CH) "Pet Shop Stop" 2 min.
√ R: 2.0-3.0 see note (Cast: 5-6) "The Cookie Crook" (Note: Readability = grade 3.0, 2.0 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator.") *based on a fun true story 6 min.
√ R: 2.7-3.7 see note (Cast: 5-6) "The Cookie Culprit" (Note: Readability = grade 3.7, 2.7 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator.") *based on a fun true story 6 min.
√ FF R: 3.2 (Cast: 3, CHORAL?) "The White Elephant Birthday: The Party Invitation (Part I)" 2 min.
√ FF R: 2.3 (Cast: 5) "The White Elephant Birthday: The Mystery Gift (Part II)" 4+ min.
√ R: 1.9 (Cast: 6, possibly 7-8) "The White Elephant Birthday: The Party (Part III)" 5:45 min.
** FAMILY FUN--(See this category in our General Script Buffet. All of these scripts are listed in other categories--mostly for members only.)
√ FF R: 0.0 gr. K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Animal Riddles: Who Am I? (#1-33)" *33 riddles, 333+ annotated curriculum links about 30 seconds each
√ FF R: 2.1 (Cast: 3-6) "Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) * Annotated links on hearing, the ear, and deafness. 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.8 (Cast: 2-25+ readers or CHORAL) "Oh, My Heart, Heart, Heart" 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 2-6) "Rainbow Flavors (Speaker Version)" 40 seconds
√ FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 2-6) "Rainbow Flavors (Speaker Version)" 40 seconds
√ R: ? (Cast: 12-13+, optional Chorus) "The F-I-B: Case #33" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.) 12 min.
R: ? (Cast: 12+, optional Chorus) "The Sugar Spies" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.) 11 min.
** HISTORY- (See Biographies, Black History, Holidays, and Patriotic sections also, please.)
First Flight:
√ FF R: 2.7-3.4 (see note) (Cast: 4+, CH or CHORAL-Wilbur & Orville?) "Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) (Note: Readability = 3.4, 2.7 when I substituted "nat" for "narrator".) 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.4 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Take Off!" (Wright Brothers first flight) (Note: focuses on number sight words) 30 seconds
First Men on the Moon
√ R: 4.1 (Cast: 4-8+) "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 1–Simplified) *includes excerpts from NASA transcripts (longer portions of NASA transcripts in our "Moon Talk" scripts) 8 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.5 (Cast: 4-6+) "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 2--two versions)" *FUN surprises 8 1/2 min.
Great Depression:
√ FF R: 2.8 (Cast: 4) "Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part I)" *true story from Depression (1930s)
√ FF R: 2.8 (Cast: 4) "Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part II) *true story from Depression (1930s)
Inventors and Inventions:
√ FF R: 1.1 (Cast: 3-4 OR 2-4 CHORAL groups) "Alexander Graham Bell and Mr. Watson" (True story on two historic phone conversations.) 2 min.
√ FF R: 2.1 (Cast: 3-6) "Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) 3 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 3-7) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified)" (Part I of two parts.) * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more. 6 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 6-23+) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Part I of two parts * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more. 6 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator") (Cast: 3-8) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" *Uses some of Bell's own words * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.
√ R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator") (Cast: 3-8) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" *Uses some of Bell's own words * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.
√ FF R: 0.0 (K-1) (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Ring! Ring! Ring! Alexander Graham Bell" 1 min.
Music History (plus scripts related to the songs):
• Home on the Range: Poem that became a viral song
√ FF R: 3.3 (Cast: 4 or 4 CHORAL groups) "My Western Home on the Range (Simplified)" 5 min. History of "Home on the Range"
√ FF R: 3.0 (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Not Your Home on the Range" Fun, one-page poem based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range"
√ FF R: 1.6 (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Oh, Give Me a Home in a Book" Based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range." (See History > Music History > Home on the Range for more on this old song.) 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.1 (Cast: 3-7+ or CHORAL) "The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics"– all 4 verses, 2 1/2 min.
Patriotic: (Click HERE to be taken to our Patriotic section)
Westward Movement:
√ FF R: 2.6 (Cast: 3+) "Kit Carson: Mountain Man (Part I--Easy Version) 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.3 (Cast: 4 or 4 CHORAL groups) "My Western Home on the Range (Simplified)" 5 min. History of "Home on the Range"
** HOLIDAYS & EVENTS--(Many free Readers Theater printable scripts.)
April Fools:
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+...2 CHORUSES, or 2 readers, or 1 reader and a chorus) "The Big Red Cat" 45 seconds
Back to School:
R: 2.3+ (Cast: 5-10+, CH) "Back-to-School Team vs. Salamander Sly" *character-building 11 min.
FF R: 0.0 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Tribes and Teams Cheer" *character-building *anti-bullying or teamwork discussion launcher 35-40 seconds
FF R: ? (Cast: 11?) "Epiphany Celebration: Wise Men Worship" (Note: from Biblical literature--Matthew 2:1-15, KJV.) 2+ min.
√ R: ? (Cast: 2 narrators and CHORUS/audience)"In the Beginning: Christmas" (Note: from Biblical literature--expanded from John 1.) time: ?
R: ? (Cast: 13) "Las Posadas: El Burro and the Miracle" 5 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 8+) "Luke's Christmas--KJV" (Note: from Biblical literature, Luke 2:1-20) 3 1/2 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 2-6 or 4-6 groups) "Not the Night Before Christmas" (Note: Santa-free adaptation from the poem "The Night Before Christmas.") 3 1/2 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 2-12) "The Twelve Days of Christmas...Vacation" (Note: tongue twisting adaptation of "The Twelve Days of Christmas.") 3 1/2 min.
R:? (Cast: 7-9+, CHORUS/audience) "Tobit's Christmas" (Note: based on the shepherds' Christmas described by Dr. Luke in Biblical literature.) 7 min.
Columbus Day:
√ R: 4.4 (Cast: 11+, CH) "Columbus Day Pretend Play" (Private School Version) 6 1/2 min.
√ R: 4.4 (Cast: 11+) "Pretend Play for Columbus Day" 6+ min.
Earth Day:
* Also see environmental scripts (series of 3:"Students Save Shad"--gr. 4.1-4.8 and "Shad Rhythm and Cheer"--gr.1) under Science.
FF R: .7 (Easy) OR 1.3 (Expanded) (Cast: 6-8) "The Earth Day Hen and Friends" (Easy and Expanded Versions) 4 1/2+ min.
Election Day:
√ R: 3.3 (Cast: 5-6+, optional chorus) "The Boisterous Oyster" *character building 8+ min.
√ R: 2.4 (Cast: 5-6+, optional chorus) "The Noisy Oyster" *character building 8+ min.
Father's Day:
√ FF R: 0.0 gr. 1? (Cast: 2, CHORAL) "Funny Man in Blue" 1 min.
FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 2-26) "Hats Off to Dad!" 1 1/2 min.
FF R: 3.1 (Cast: 3+, CHORAL) "Wanted to Say" 3+ min.
Flag Day:
R: ? (Cast: 6) "The Betsy Ross Story" 10 min.
Groundhog's Day:
√ FF R: 2.7 (Cast: 6-7) "Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 1" 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.3 (Cast: 6-7) "Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 2" 4 1/2 min
√ FF R: 2.6 (Cast: 3, or narrator and 2 CHORUSES) "Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 3" * character-building 4 min.
Memorial Day:
FF R: 4.6 (Cast: 9?) "Sack Lunch Flying" 4 min.
Mother's Day:
FF R: .7 (gr. 1-2?) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Mom: Every Day Is Mother's Day time: ?
Patriot Day (Sept. 11):
R: 6.2 (Cast: 5+, CH) "Never, Never, Never Forget 9/11" 10 1/2 min.
FF R: 2.7 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "9/11 Heroes" 1 1/2 min.
President's Day:
FF R: 5.2 (See note.) (Cast: 6-12+) "Abraham Lincoln: It's Lincoln Penny Day!" (Group Participation and Short Versions) (Note: Although the readability is 5.2, many parts are suitable for grade 3 readers.) 4-6 min.
√ R: 3.7+ (Cast: 2-13) "President's Day Quiz Parade" 10 1/2 min.
√ R: 2.0 (Cast: 2-13) "President's Day Quiz Parade--Primary" 7 min.
R: ? (Cast: 6) "The Betsy Ross Story" (Note: Includes George Washington.) 10 min.
Remembrance Day (Nov. 11 in Commonwealth Nations):
FF R: 4.6 (Cast: 9?) "Sack Lunch Flying" 4 min.
St. Patrick's Day:
FF R: 4.5 (Cast: 3 or CHORAL) "'St. Patrick's Day Shamrock' Radio Show 5 min.
Super Bowl:
R: 3.4 (Cast: 6-7+) "Super Bowl Students vs. Salamander Sly" *character-building 13 min.
Teacher Appreciation Day:
FF R: 3.9 (Cast: 2-4+, CHORAL?) "Three Cheers for Teachers!" 2 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 3-19+, CH/audience) "American Thanks" 1+ min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 6+, CH) "Give Thanks to the Lord: From Psalm 136" (2 Versions) 1 1/2 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 7-10+, CH/audience) "Squanto's Squash" (Group Participation and Short Versions) 6 min. = Group Participation 3 1/2 min. = Short Version
Valentine's Day:
√ FF R: 3.8 (Cast: 2-25+,CH or CHORAL) "Oh, My Heart, Heart, Heart" *health/science study 3 1/2 min
Veteran's Day:
FF R: 4.6 (Cast: 9?) "Sack Lunch Flying" 4 min.
R: 2.7 (Cast: 3 or a narrator and 2 CHORUSES) "Dog Jog Adventure" 7 min.
R: 3.0 (Cast: 3 or a narrator and 2 CHORUSES) "Dog Jog Adventure (Advanced)" 7 min.
√ R: 2.9 (2.4 replacing "Announcer with "An") (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (Simplified) 6 1/2 min.
*Science/nature, *Humorous
√ R: 3.4 (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" 6 1/2 min. *Science/nature, *Humorous
√ FF R: 2.9 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Here Comes Spring, Silly or Not!" 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.5 (Cast: 3, opt. CH) "Kid's Talk Show Interview: Banana Man, the Not-So-Serious Spy" (2 versions: with or without chorus) 4 min.
√ FF R: 1.9 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Moon's Love Song (Choral Version) 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.9 (Cast: 2-6) "Moon's Love Song (Speaker Version)" 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.9 (Cast: 3, or narrator and 2 CHORUSES) "Noodle Strudel" 2+ min.
√ FF R: 3.0 (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Not Your Home on the Range" Fun, one-page poem based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range"
FF R: 4.5 (see note) (Cast: 3, or host and 2 CHORUSES) "'St. Patrick Day Shamrock' Radio Show" (Note: The reading level may be higher because of 4 Irish sayings and a couple of vocabulary words.) 5 min.
√ R: 2.0-3.0 see note (Cast: 5-6) "The Cookie Crook" (Note: Readability = grade 3.0, 2.0 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator.") *based on a fun true story 6 min.
√ R: 2.7-3.7 see note (Cast: 5-6) "The Cookie Culprit" (Note: Readability = grade 3.7, 2.7 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator.") *based on a fun true story 6 min.
FF R: .7 (Easy) OR 1.3 (Expanded) (Cast: 6-8) "The Earth Day Hen andFriends" (Easy and Expanded Versions) 4 1/2+ min.
√ FF R: 3 (Cast: 5-7) "This Little Piggy Loves Jokes" *not Charlotte's Web, but compare the two? 5 min.
R: ? (Cast: 12+, optional Chorus) "The Sugar Spies" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.) time: ?
√ R: 2.6-3.0 see note (Cast: 5-9) "When Kevin Burped (Easy)–A Tall Tale" (Note: Readability = grade 3.0, 2.6 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator" and "J" for Journalist) 7 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.7 (0.9 substituting visit for visitor; grades 1-2, ESL,ELL, and remedial students) (Cast: 2 or more) "A Hoarse Horse" (Homonyms/Homophones) 45 seconds, not counting giggles
√ FF R: 0.6 (Cast of 4) (primary readers in K-1, ESL, ELL) "A Pair of Pears" (Homonyms/Homophones) about 1 1/2 minutes
√ FF R: ? 2-3? (Cast: 4+, CH) "A Thesaurus Rain" *synonms (thesaurus words) *includes indoor rainstorm instructions 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.5 (Cast: 3+, opt. CH) "Kid's Talk Show Interview: Banana Man, the Not-So-Serious Spy" (2 versions: with and without chorus) *puns 4 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 gr.1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Winter Wishes" *compound words 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 gr. 1? (Cast: 2+. CHORAL) "Come to My House" *original character-building script in the form of a poem 35 seconds
√ FF R: 1.9 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Moon's Love Song (Choral Version) *poetic song lyrics--no tune 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.9 (Cast: 2-6) "Moon's Love Song (Speaker Version)" *poetic song lyrics--no tune 1 1/2 min.
FF R: ? gr. 2-3? (Cast: 2-6) "Not the Night Before Christmas" *modeled after the poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas" 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.0 (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Not Your Home on the Range" Fun, one-page poem based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range" (The song lyrics were originally a poem.)
√ FF R: 1.6 (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Oh, Give Me a Home in a Book" Based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range" which started out as a lovely poem. (See History > Music History > Home on the Range for more on this old song.) 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.5 (Cast: 2+, 2 CHORUSES plus 3 voices) "Plumpty Bumpty's Race" *modeled after the nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" *Links for TEACHING POETRY! 45 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Where Is Your House?" *silly poem for early readers *cross-curricular 30 seconds
Aesop's Fables:
√ R: 3.3 Readability level 3.3 achieved by substituting "Chant" for "Chanticleer" and "Nat" for "Narrator" (Cast: 12-14) "Chanticleer's Friends and the Fox" (Simplified) Adapted from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales about 14 min.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 7-8+, opt. CH) "Racer Rabbit's Marathon (A Fruitful Fable) *adaptation of The Tortoise and the Hare--without the tortoise *character-building 10 1/2 min.
FF R: ? gr. 2-3? (Cast: 3-4) "The Beaver and the Lumberjack" *with audio 3 min.
√ R: 2.8 (Cast: 7-9+, opt. CH) "The Council of Mice" 5 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 2.7 (Cast: 4) "The Dog and the Wolf" 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.3 (Cast: 3-4) "The Fox and the Crow" 3 min.
√ R: 2.5 (Cast: 7+, CH) "The Frogs Who Wanted a King" 9 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 2.6 (Cast: 6 or use buddy readers for 12) "The Miller, His Son, and Their Donkey--Crazy!" 3 min.
√ FF R: ? gr. 2-3? (Cast: 3-4) "The Rooster and the Fox" 2 min.
√ FF R: ? gr. 2-3? (Cast: 4) "The Salted Donkey" 4 min.
Biblical Literature:
FF R: ? (Cast: 6+, CH) "Give Thanks to the Lord: From Psalm 136" (2 Versions) 1 1/2 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 6) "Make a Joyful Noise! Psalm 100 KJV" 1 min.
√ FF R: ? (Cast: 5+, CH) "Persistence Pays Parable--Luke 11:5-9" 3 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 6+, CH) "The Good Samaritan" 2 min.
√ FF R: 1.5 (Cast: 4+, 2 CHORUSES) "The Rich Fool" 2 1/2 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 6-7) "The Sower and the Seed" 4 min.
√ FF R: 4.4 (Easier? See note.) (Cast: 5+, CH) "The Unforgiving Servant" (Note: Since the script has 2 narrators the word "narrator" increases the readability score.) 4 1/2 min.
√ R: 2.1 (Cast: 3+, or 1-2 narrators and 2 CHORUSES) "Percy and Pudge: The Sand Castle) *character-building 6 min.
√ FF R: ? (Cast: 5+, CH) "Persistence Pays Parable--Luke 11:5-9" 3 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 6+, CH) "The Good Samaritan" 2 min.
√ FF R: 1.5 (Cast: 4+, 2 CHORUSES) "The Rich Fool" 2 1/2 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 6-7) "The Sower and the Seed" 4 min.
√ FF R: 4.4 (Easier? See note.) (Cast: 5+, CH) "The Unforgiving Servant" (Note: Since the script has 2 narrators the word "narrator" increases the readability score.) 4 1/2 min.
Tales (adapted from popular children's stories) and Tall Tales:
√ R: 3.3 Readability level 3.3 achieved by substituting "Chant" for "Chanticleer" and "Nat" for "Narrator" (Cast: 12-14) "Chanticleer's Friends and the Fox" (Simplified) Adapted from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales about 14 min.
FF R: ? (Cast: 6, CH) "Goldy Socks and the Three Hares" *adapted from "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" 5 min.
√ R: 2.1 (Cast: 3+, or 1-2 narrators and 2 CHORUSES) "Percy and Pudge: The Sand Castle) *character-building *adapted from the parable "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man" 6 min.
√ FF R: 2.7 (Cast: 8-9) "The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part I" *first of two parts adapted from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" 5 min. (part I only)
√ FF R: 4.3 gr. 3? (see note) (Cast: 11?) "The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part II" (Note: readability is higher because of a few nonsense words and silly names.) *second of two parts adapted from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" 5 min. (part II only)
√ R: ? gr. 3? (Cast: 5, CH) "The Little Red Rooster, Master Chef" *character-building *adapted from "The Little Red Hen" 5 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.0 (Cast: 5-7) "This Little Piggy Loves Jokes" *loosely related to Charlotte's Web 5 min.
√ R: 2.6-3.0 see note (Cast: 5-9) "When Kevin Burped (Easy)–A Tall Tale" (Note: Readability = grade 3.0, 2.6 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator" and "J" for Journalist) 7 1/2 min.
√ FF R: ? gr. 3? (Cast: 5-7+) "Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses: The Swamp Mystery" *adapted from Sarah Bradford's biography of Harriet Tubman as dictated by Harriet 5 min.
√ FF R: 2.3 (Cast: 5) "Mystery of the Missing Cat" *based on a true story 3 1/2 min.
√ R: 2.0-3.0 see note (Cast: 5-6) "The Cookie Crook" (Note: Readability = grade 3.0, 2.0 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator.") *based on a fun true story 6 min.
√ R: 2.7-3.7 see note (Cast: 5-6) "The Cookie Culprit" (Note: Readability = grade 3.7, 2.7 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator.") *based on a fun true story 6 min.
√ R: ? (Cast: 12-13+, optional Chorus) "The F-I-B: Case #33" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.) 12 min.
R: ? (Cast: 12+, optional Chorus) "The Sugar Spies" *nutrition (Think Childhood Obesity Prevention.) 11 min.
** PATRIOTIC (American)--
FF R: 2.7 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "9/11 Heroes" 1 1/2 min.
FF R: 5.2 (See note.) (Cast: 6-12+) "Abraham Lincoln: It's Lincoln Penny Day!" (Group Participation and Short Versions) (Note: Although the readability is 5.2, many parts are suitable for grade 3 readers.) 4-6 min.
√ FF R: .9 (think grades 1-2) (Cast: 4-5) "Francis Scott Key, the Flag, and the Song" 3 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.7+ (Cast: 2-13) "President's Day Quiz Parade" 10 1/2 min.
√ R: 2.0 (Cast: 2-13) "President's Day Quiz Parade--Primary" 7 min.
FF R: 4.6 (Cast: 9?) "Sack Lunch Flying" 4 min.
R: ? (Cast: 6) "The Betsy Ross Story" (Note: Includes George Washington.) 10 min.
√ FF R: 3.1 (Cast: 3-7+ or CHORAL) "The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics"– all 4 verses, 2 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.1 (Cast: 3-4 OR 2-4 CHORAL groups) "Alexander Graham Bell and Mr. Watson" (True story on two historic phone conversations.) 2 min.
√ FF R: 2.1 (Cast: 3-6) "Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) 3 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 3-7) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified)" (Part I of two parts.) * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 6-23+) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Part I of two parts * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more. 6 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator") (Cast: 3-8) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" *Uses some of Bell's own words * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.
√ R: 3.8-4.4 (3.8 substituting "Nat" for "Narrator") (Cast: 3-8) "Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" *Uses some of Bell's own words * Extensive annotated curriculum links related to Bell, the telephone, hearing, sound, and more.
√ FF R: 2.7-3.4 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.6 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Luis Walter Alvarez: Famous Scientist" 3 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0 (K-1) (Cast: 3 or 3 CHORAL groups) "Ring! Ring! Ring! Alexander Graham Bell" 1 min.
√ FF R: 2.7-3.4 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0-1.6 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Moon Friend" (Note: Readability is 1.6, but 0.0 without the words "astronaut" or "magnificent.") *first flight to the Moon *character-building 1 minute
√ FF R: 1.4 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Take Off!" (Note: heavy on number sight words 1-12 for the Wright Brothers first flight) 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 gr. 1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Afraid of the Dark?" *owls & fireflies 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 5+, CHORAL) "Ant Hill Heroes" *character building 3 min.
√ FF R: 1.0 (Cast: 3-4+, CHORAL) "Bees, Crickets, Ladybugs and What?" *character-building 3 1/2 min.
√ R: 2.9 (2.4 replacing "Announcer with "An") (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (Simplified) 6.5 min. *Science/nature, *Humorous
√ R: 3.4 (Cast: 6-30+, 2 Chorus parts) "Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" 6 1/2 min. *Science/nature, *Humorous
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Fireflies Hide and Seek" 1 min.
√ R: 1.5 (Cast: 4) "Flying B for Baloney" *red fox 5+ min
FF R: 2.7 gr. 1-2 (Cast: 1-12, CHORUS/audience) "Hip Hop Water Drop" *water cycle with actions 3 min.
FF R: 1.0 (Cast: 3-4+, 3-4 CHORUSES) "Kids Save Shad!" *environmental on the American shad fish 3+ min.
√ FF R: .4-1.5 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Leaf Maze" (Note: Readability scored 0.4 without the word "chorus"--1.5 with that word) *science related 1 minute
FF R: 1.0 (Cast: 3+, CHORAL) "Shad Rhythm and Cheer" 1+ min.
R: 3.5 or 4.1 (see note) (Cast: 6-21+, CH) "Students Save Shad! (Part I)" (Note: Readability is grade 3.5 without the reader titles "announcer" or "narrator.") *environmental on the American shad fish 5 1/2 min.
R: 4.3 or 4.8 (see note) (Cast: 8+, CH) "Students Save Shad! (Part II)" (Note: Readability is 4.8 with the reader titles "narrator" and "announcer.") *environmental on the American shad fish 6 1/2 min.
R: 3.8 or 4.2 (see note) (Cast: 10-12+, CH) "Students Save Shad! (Part III)" (Note: Readability is 4.2 with the reader titles "narrator" and "announcer.") *environmental on the American shad fish 9 min
FF R: 0.7 (Easy) OR 1.3 (Expanded) (Cast: 6-8) "The Earth Day Hen and Friends" (Easy and Expanded Versions) 4 1/2+ min.
√ FF R: .2 (See note.) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Toadis Lives at My House" (Note: This looks harder to me than the readability score calculated...maybe first grade?) *science, nature study * based on a true story 1 1/2 min.
√ R: 4.1 (Cast: 4-8+) "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 1–Simplified) *includes excerpts from NASA transcripts (longer portions of NASA transcripts in our "Moon Talk" scripts) 8 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.5 (Cast: 4-6+) "Justin Goes to the Moon (Part 2--two versions)" *FUN surprises 8 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.1 gr.1? (Cast: 2 OR 2 choruses) "Moon Dreams" *character-building *links on the Moon 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 0.0-1.6 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Moon Friend" (Note: Readability is 1.6, but 0.0 without the words "astronaut" or "magnificent.") *character-building 1 minute
√ FF R: 1.9 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Moon's Love Song (Choral Version)" *silly science 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 1.9 (Cast: 6) "Moon's Love Song (Speaker Version)" *silly science 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.6 (Cast: 3-12+, CH) "The Mighty Moon (U.S. Version)" 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 3.6 (Cast: 3-12+, CH) "The Mighty Moon (Metric Version)" 4 1/2 min.
√ FF R: 2.9 (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Here Comes Spring, Silly or Not!" 1 1/2 min.
√ FF R: .4-1.5 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Leaf Maze" (Note: Readability scored 0.4 without the word "chorus"--1.5 with that word) *science related 1 minute
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Sweet Snow" 45 seconds
√ FF R: 0.1-1.6 (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Winter Faces" (Note: Readability =0.1 without the reader titles: "artists" and "runners"--1.6 with titles) 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (see note) (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Winter Wishes" (Note: focuses on compound words) 30 seconds
√ FF R: 0.0 gr.1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Funny Man in Blue" *community workers or community helpers 1 min.
FF R: 1.4 (Cast: 2-26) "Hats Off to Dad!" *community workers or community helpers 1 1/2 min.
√ R: 3.3 (Cast: 5-6+, optional chorus) "The Boisterous Oyster" *character building 8+ min.
√ R: 2.4 (Cast: 5-6+, optional chorus) "The Noisy Oyster" *character building 8+ min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 2+, CHORAL) "Where Is Your House?" *homes 30 seconds
R: 2.3+ (Cast: 5-10+, CH) "Back-to-School Team vs. Salamander Sly" *character-building 11 min.
√ R: 1.5 (Cast: 4) "Flying B for Baloney" *backyard baseball 5+ min
√ R: 3.3 (Cast: 4) "Flying Baloney" *true backyard story 5 1/2 min.
√ FF R: .8 (Cast: 4+, CH) "Friends at Bat" *character-building 3+ min.
√ FF R: 0.0 K-1? (Cast: 3+, CH) "Pals at Bat" (emergent) 2 min.
√ R: 3.2 (Cast: 7-8+, opt. CH) "Racer Rabbit's Marathon (A Fruitful Fable) *adaptation of The Hare and the Tortoise (an Aesop Fable)--without the tortoise *character-building *cross-country marathon 10 1/2 min.
R: 3.4 (Cast: 6-7+) "Super Bowl Students vs. Salamander Sly" *character-building 13 min.