Welcome to Readers Theater All Year's
"All-You-Can-Eat" Script Buffet General Catalog!
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Open 24/7, "All-you-can-eat"–most scripts EXCLUSIVE FOR PAYING MEMBERS:
• Fresh-baked trustworthy, printable Readers Theater scripts EVERY MONTH to save YOUR time and energy
• Annotated curriculum links with each script to make lesson planning EASY
• Simple exclusive tools and checklists for using Readers Theater successfully
• Helpful training on Readers Theater–including Q/A
• Personal attention to meet YOUR Readers Theater needs–first come, first served
• Power to influence topics for future Readers Theater scripts, teleseminars, trainings, and programs. What do YOU need in trustworthy, printable Readers Theater scripts?
• A caring community of parents and teachers who are transforming lives and changing the world with YOU
*** NEW SCRIPT BUFFET TABLE: grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8–CLICK HERE
*** Grades K-3 Catalog--with Readability Levels--CLICK HERE
*** Grades 4-8+ Catalog--with Readability Levels--CLICK HERE
** Older Script Menu for the Script Buffet Club...*
NOTE: Clicking categories preceeded by ** will take you to the relevant grouping of scripts. Then scroll down to see the individual script titles:
** EASY, EMERGENT, BEGINNING READERS (grades K-2, ESL/ELL, special ed)--also see "Biographies" above
** HISTORY (First Flight, First Men on the Moon, Great Depression, Inventors, Music History, U.S. Westward Movement, WWII)
** HOLIDAYS & EVENTS (Many FREE Readers Theater printable scripts.)
** PATRIOTIC (mainly U.S., plus 9/11)
** SCIENCE (i.e., flight, inventors, nature/environmental, space)
• Luise Walter Alvarez: Famous Scientist from WWII
"Luis Walter Alvarez: Famous Scientist" (grades 3-5+)
• Clara Barton: Teacher, Battlefield Nurse, Red Cross Founder
EASY Version of Clara Barton
"Clara Barton Grows Up To Be A Teacher" (EASY) Part 2 of her life (grades 1-3, ESL)
"Clara Barton, Happy Little Helper" (EASY) Part 1 of her life (grades 1-2, ESL...) *character-building
"Clara Barton, Nurse and Red Cross Founder" (EASY) Part 3 of her life (grades 2-4)
Simplified Version of Clara Barton
"Helping Others: Clara Barton, Battlefield Nurse and Red Cross Founder--Simplified" Part 3 of her life (grades 4-7)
"Helping Others: Clara Barton, Teacher (with chorus)--Simplified Part 2 of Clara's life (grades 2-5)
"Helping Others: Clara Barton, Teacher (no chorus)--Simplified Part 2 of her life (grades 2-5)
"Helping Others: Young Clara Barton (Simplified)" Part 1 of her life (grades 1-3) *character-building
Original Version of Clara Barton
"Helping Others: Clara Barton, Battlefield Nurse and Red Cross Founder" Part 3 of her life (grades 5-8)
"Helping Others: Clara Barton, Teacher (with chorus) Part 2 of her life (grades 3-6)
"Helping Others: Clara Barton, Teacher (no chorus) Part 2 of her life (grades 4-6)
"Helping Others: Young Clara Barton" Part 1 of her life (grades 3-8) *character-building
• Alexander Graham Bell: Inventor (e.g., telephone...)
Easiest of Alexander Graham Bell
"Alexander Graham Bell and Mr. Watson" (Two historic phone conversations using some original words) (grades 1-2, ESL/ELL, remedial middle and high school)
"Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) (grades 2-3, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school)
"Ring! Ring! Ring! Alexander Graham Bell" CHORAL fun. (grades K-1)
Simplified Version (small group and full class options) of Bell
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 1: Childhood Inventor (Simplified)" Part 1 of two simplified scripts. (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 3-7 TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 1: Childhood Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Part 1 of two simplifed scripts for full class use. (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 6-23+ TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" Stand alone script or use with Part 1 (Simplified). (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Stand alone script or use with Part 1 (Simplified). (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 3-28 TIME: 11+ min.
Original Version (small group and full class options) of Bell
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 1: Childhood Inventor" Part 1 of two parts. (grades 4-8+) * Extensive annotated curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, and sound. CAST: 3-7 TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 1: Childhood Inventor (Full Class Version)" Part I of two parts. (grades 4-8+) *Extensive annotated curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, and sound. CAST: 6-23+ TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor" Stand alone script or use with Part 1. (grades 5-8+, gifted grades 3-4) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Full Class Version)" Stand alone script or use with Part 1. (grades 5-8+, gifted grades 3-4) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
• Kit Carson: Mountain Man/Explorer of Western U.S.
EASY Version of Kit Carson
"Kit Carson: Mountain Man (Part I--Easy Version)" (grades 2-4+)
Original Version of Kit Carson
"Kit Carson: Mountain Man (Part I)" (grades 3-5+)
"Kit Carson: Mountain Man and Guide (Part II)" (grades 4-6+)
"Kit Carson's Adventure with Amigo" (grades 3-6+)
• Thomas Alva Edison: Inventor (e.g., light bulb...)
Middle School Version of Thomas Edison
"Thomas Alva Edison: A Bright Boy Full of Surprises" (Middle School)
"Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Middle School)"
Simplified Version of Thomas Edison
"Thomas Alva Edison: A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Simplified)" (grades 4-6)
"Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Simplified)" (grades 4-6)
• Benjamin Franklin: Inventor, Printer, Writer, American Patriot, Philosopher, Polititian
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond (Simplified)" , about Grade 6, 13.5 min. *Bullying, *Adventure, *Character Building
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond" , (From The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin–Chapters 1-5) Grades 6 - 8+, 13.5 min. *Bullying, *Adventure, *Character Building
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up (Simplified)" , about Grade 6, 7.5 min.
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up" , (From The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin–Chapter One) Grades 6 - 8+, 7.5 min.
"Ben Franklin: The Be Better Plan (Part 1)" (From His Autobiography) Grades 2-3+, 4.33 minutes
"Ben Franklin: The Be Better Plan (Part 2)" (From His Autobiography) Grades 2-3+, 3 minutes
"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" (From His Autobiography) Grades 6+,
13 minutes; *Character Building
"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" (Simplified) (From His Autobiography) Grades 4.5+,
13 minutes; *Character Building
"Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Simplified) (From a letter in which he shared an important lesson he learned as a boy.) Grades 6+, 5 minutes, *Finances
"Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Middle School) , (From a letter he wrote Nov. 10, 1779.) Grades 7 - 9+, 5 min., *Finances, *Life's Lessons
"The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" (Simplified) About grade 6 , 7 min. *Character Building *Teaching Writing
"The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" Grades 7 - 9+, 7.5 min. *Character Building *Teaching Writing
• Francis Scott Key: American Patriot (War of 1812), Poet (e.g., lyrics to "The Star Spangled Banner")
EASY Version of Francis Scott Key
"Francis Scott Key, the Flag, and the Song" (grades 1-2)
Middle School Version of Francis Scott Key
"Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Middle School)" (grades 6-8+)
Original Version of Francis Scott Key
"Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner" (grades 4-6+)
Simplified Version of Francis Scott Key
"Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Simplified)" (grades 3-5+)
• Harriet Tubman: "Conductor" on the Underground Railroad
"Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses: Joe's Journey"
"Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses: The Swamp Mystery"
• The Wright Brothers: Inventors of the First Airplane
"Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) (grades 2-5+, ESL...)
"Civil Rights Meddle"
"Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses: The Swamp Mystery"
"Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses: Joe's Journey"
"The Drinking Gourd"
"Underground Railroad Codes"
** CHARACTER BUILDING (in alphabetical order by title; excluding "The")
"Ant Hill Heroes" (grades K-2+) *science related
"The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" (Simplified) About grade 6 , 7 min. *Character Building *Teaching Writing
"The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" Grades 7 - 9+, 7.5 min. *Character Building *Teaching Writing
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond (Simplified)" , about Grade 6, 13.5 min.
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond" , (From The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin–Chapters 1-5) Grades 6 - 8+, 13.5 min.
"Ben Franklin: The Be Better Plan (Part 1)" (From His Autobiography) Grades 2-3+, 4.33 minutes
"Ben Franklin: The Be Better Plan (Part 2)" (From His Autobiography) Grades 2-3+, 3 minutes
"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" (From His Autobiography) Grades 6+,
13 minutes; *Character Building
"Benjamin Franklin's Virtues: Project Perfection" (Simplified) (From His Autobiography) Grades 4.5+,
13 minutes; *Character Building
"Clara Barton, Happy Little Helper" (EASY) Part 1 of her life (grades 1-2, ESL...)
"Helping Others: Young Clara Barton (Simplified)" Part 1 of her life (grades 1-3)
"Helping Others: Young Clara Barton" Part 1 of her life (grades 3-8)
"The Little Red Roosters, Master Chefs" (Choral) (grades 3-5, ESL, ELL, ESOL) 5 1/2 minutes
"The Little Red Roosters, Master Chefs" (Choral-Simplified) (grades 3-5, gifted students grade 2, and ESL, ELL, ESOL) 5 1/2 minutes
** EASY, EMERGENT, BEGINNING READERS (grades K-2, ESL/ELL, special ed)--also see "Biographies" above
• Short Vowels Focus (with some sight words):
Short "a"
"A Bad Cat" (2-part Choral, grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "a" focus with sight words
"Dad, Sam, and the Cat" (2-part Choral, grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "a" focus with sight words
"The Band (Short 'a') (RHYMING 2-part Choral, grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "a" focus with sight words
Short "e"
"Ben and the Egg" (2-part Choral, grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "e" focus with short "a" and sight words
"Jen's Hen and Ken's Cat" (2-part Choral, grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "e" focus with short "a" and sight words
Short "i"
"Bill and Tim Dig" (short "i"–advanced) (2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "i" focus with short "a", short "e", and sight words (NOTE: more difficult than "Nick, the Cat, and the Pig" and part two of "Six Pigs Dig")
"Nick, the Cat, and the Pig" (2-part Choral, grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "i" focus with short "a", short "e", and sight words
"Six Pigs Dig" (short 'i')" (2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1) *short "i" focus with short "a", short "e", and sight words
"The Big Mess (short 'i')" (2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1) *short "i" focus with short "a", short "e", and sight words
"Tim's Mess (short 'i')" (2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1) *short "i" focus with short "a", short "e", and sight words
Short "o"
"Bob's Big Mess" (2+ readers or 2-3 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "o" focus with short "a", short "e", and sight words
"Is the Cat in the Bag?" (2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1)
"Nox and Fox" (emergent, grades K-1, ESL, Special Ed)
"Rex and Tex" (2 readers or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, and beginning readers)
Short "u"
"Gus the Pup" (short "u" advanced) (2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1)
"Pup Fun" (2+ or 2-3 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "u" focus with short vowels and sight words
"The Gift" (short "u"–advanced) (2+ or 2-3 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed.)
"Tom's Pup" (2+ or 2-3 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "u" focus with short vowels and sight words
Short Vowels (more difficult)
"Pals at Bat" (emergent readers, grades K-2, ESL, Special Ed)
"Pet Shop Kids" (a cast of 2+ or 2 CHORAL groups) (grades K-1) *contains a few blends
"Wet Pet" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
• Long Vowels Focus:
Long "a"
"The Whale Cake" (Cast of 2 or 2 CHORAL groups, beginning readers in K-1, ESL, ELL)
• Contractions:
"Is the Dog Sad?" (Cast of 2 or 2 CHORAL groups, beginning readers in K-1, ESL, ELL, ESOL)
• Homonyms/Homophones:
"A Hoarse Horse" (Homonyms, Homophones) (Grades 1-2 with a cast of 2 or more)
"A Pair of Pears" (Homonyms/Homophones) (Cast of 4, primary readers in K-1, ESL,ELL)
• Varied Titles for Easy Scripts (in alphbetical order by title):
"Afraid of the Dark?" (grades 1-3, ESL, special ed) *science related
"Animal Riddles Collection: Who Am I? (#1-33) (grades K-2) *33 scripts, 333+ annotated links
"Ant Hill Heroes" (grades K-2+) *character building *science related
"Bees, Crickets, Ladybugs and What?" (grades K-3+) *character building
"Can You See Birds?" (grades K, 1, 2, ELL, ESL, and struggling readers)
"Can You See Cats?" (grades K-1, ESL,ELL, and beginning readers)
"Can You See Pigs?" (grades K-2, ESL, special ed, family fun)
"Choral Helping Cheer (leader version)" *character building (grades K-2)
"Clara Barton, Happy Little Helper" (grades 1-2, ESL...) *character-building
"Come to My House" (grades K-3, ESL, special ed) *character-building
"Dad, Sam, and the Cat" (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "a" focus
"Fancy Frogs" (grades 1-3) *poetic word pictures for frog fun
"Fireflies Hide and Seek" (grades K-2+) *science related
"Flying B for Baloney" (grades 1-3+, ESL)
"Friends at Bat" (grades 1-3+, ESL) *character-building
"Funny Man in Blue" (grades 1-2, special ed)
"I Like Pie" (grades K-3+, ESL, special ed) *integrated curriculum
"Jen's Hen and Ken's Cat" (grades K-1, ESL, ELL, special ed) *short "e" focus
"Leaf Maze" (grades 1-3, ESL, Special Ed) *science related
"Moon Dreams" (grades 1-2, Special Ed) *character-building
"Moon Friend" (grades 1-2, Special Ed, ESL) *science related *character-building
"Nox and Fox" (emergent, grades K-1, ESL, Special Ed)
"Pals at Bat" (emergent readers, grades K-2, ESL, Special Ed)
"Percy and Pudge: The Sand Castle" (grades 2+, ESL) *character-building
"Pet Shop Stop" (grades 1-3+, ESL)
"Rainbow Flavors (Choral)" (grades 1-2, ESL, ELL)
"Rainbow Flavors (Speaker Version)" (grades 1-2, ESL, ELL)
"Seed Sprouts" (with optional actions) (Grades K-2 w/echo for non-readers, ESL, ELL)
"Sweet Snow" (Choral RT; grades 1-3, ESL, special ed, remedial)
"Take Off!" (Choral RT: Wright Brothers first flight) (grades K-3)
"The Big Red Cat" (Choral RT; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Toadis Lives at My House" (Choral RT; grades K-2, ESL, ELL, special ed) *based on a true story from nature
"Tribes and Teams Cheer" (Choral RT; grades K-5+, ESL, special ed) *character-building
"Wet Pet" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Where Is Your House?" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-1)
"Winter Faces" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Winter Wishes" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Simplified) (From a letter in which he shared an important lesson he learned as a boy.) Grades 6+, 5 minutes, *Finances, *Life's Lessons
"Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Middle School) , (From a letter he wrote Nov. 10, 1779.) Grades 7 - 9+, 5 min., *Finances, *Life's Lessons
"Turkey Dreams" (grades 2-12+) *character-building
"Come to My House" (grades K-3, ESL, special ed) *character-building
"Dog Jog Adventure" (grades 3-5, middle school, high school, adults)
"Dog Jog Adventure (Advanced vocabulary) (grades 3-5, middle school, high school)
"Flying Baloney" (grades 2-5+, ESL)
"Flying B for Baloney" (grades 1-3+, ESL)
"Friends at Bat" (grades 1-3+, ESL) *character-building
"Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part I)" (grades 2-4+)
"Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part II) (grades 2-4+)
"Mystery of the Missing Cat" (Based on a True Story) (grades 2-4)
"Pals at Bat" (emergent readers, grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Pet Shop Stop" (grades 1-3+, ESL)
"The Cookie Crook" (grades 2-3, ESL, ELL)
"The Cookie Culprit" (grades 2-4)
"The Cookie Culprit (Advanced)" (grades 3-5+)
"The White Elephant Birthday: The Party Invitation (Part I)" (grades 2-4+)
"The White Elephant Birthday: The Mystery Gift (Part II)" (grades 2-4+)
"The White Elephant Birthday: The Party (Part III)" (grades 2-4+)
"Afraid of the Dark?" (grades 1-3, ESL, special ed) *science related
"Animal Riddles Collection: Who Am I? (#1-33) (grades K-2) *33 scripts, 333+ annotated links
"Ant Hill Heroes" (grades K-2+) *character building
"Bees, Crickets, Ladybugs and What?" (grades K-3+) *character building
"Can You See Pigs?" (grades K-2, ESL, special ed, family fun)
"Clara Barton, Happy Little Helper" (grades 1-2, ESL...) *character-building
"Come to My House" (grades K-3, ESL, special ed) *character-building
"Dog Jog Adventure" (grades 3-5, middle school, high school, adults)
"Dog Jog Adventure (Advanced vocabulary) (grades 3-5, middle school, high school)
"Fireflies Hide and Seek" (grades K-2+)
"Flying Baloney" (grades 2-5+, ESL)
"Flying B for Baloney" (grades 1-3+, ESL)
"Friends at Bat" (grades 1-3+, ESL) *character building
"Funny Man in Blue" (grades 1-2, special ed)
"Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) (grades 2-5+, ESL...)
"Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part I)" (grades 2-4+)
"Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part II) (grades 2-4+)
"I Like Pie" (grades K-3+, ESL, special ed) *integrated curriculum
"Leaf Maze" (grades 1-3, ESL, Special Ed)
"Let's Take a Trip-Part I"
"Let's Take a Trip-Part II"
"Let's Take a Trip-Part III"
"Moon Dreams" (grades 1-2, special ed) *character-building
"Nox and Fox" (emergent, grades K-1, ESL, Special Ed)
"Pals at Bat" (emergent, grades K-2, ESL, Special Ed)
"Percy and Pudge: The Sand Castle" (grades 2+, ESL) *character-building
"Pet Shop Stop" (grades 1-3+, ESL)
"Racer Rabbit's Marathon (A Fruitful Fable)" (grades 2+) *character-building
"Sweet Snow" (Choral RT; grades 1-3, ESL, special ed, remedial)
"The Cookie Crook" (grades 2-3, ESL, ELL)
"The Cookie Culprit" (grades 2-4)
"The Cookie Culprit (Advanced)" (grades 3-5+)
"The Big Red Cat" (Choral RT; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part I" (grade 2-5+, ESL)
"The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part II" (grade 3-5+, ESL)
"This Little Piggy Loves Jokes"(grades 2-4+)
"Tribes and Teams Cheer" (Choral RT; grades K-5+, ESL, special ed) *character-building
"Turkey Dreams" (grades 2-12+) *character-building
"Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 1" (grades 3-5, ESL) *character-building with science facts
"Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 2" (grades 3-5, ESL) *character-building with science facts
"Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 3" (grades 3-5, ESL)*character-building with science facts
"Wet Pet" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"When Kevin Burped (Easy)–A Tall Tale" (grades 1-3) Silly. 7 1/2 min.
"When Kevin Burped (Advanced)–A Tall Tale" (grades 4-6) Silly. 7 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) (grades 2-3, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) * Annotated links on hearing, the ear, sound, deafness, and Bell (the inventor of the telephone)
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified)" Part I of two parts. (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) * Annotated links to hearing, the ear, and deafness.) CAST: 3-7 TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Oh, My Heart, Heart, Heart" (2-25+ readers or Choral RT; grades 2-6+)
"Rainbow Flavors (Choral)" (grades 1-2, ESL, ELL)
"Rainbow Flavors (Speaker Version)" (grades 1-2, ESL, ELL)
"Talking Pets-Beyond Earth Day" (toxic environment) (grades 4 to adult) Cast: 6
"The F-I-B: Case #33" (nutrition)
"The Sugar Spies" (nutrition)
( See Biographies, Black History, Holidays, and Patriotic sections also, please.)
First Flight:
"Amos Root's Eyewitness Account of the Wright Brothers' Flight" (grades 4-12, adults)
"Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) (grades 2-5+, ESL...)
"Take Off!" (Choral RT: Wright Brothers first flight) (grades K-3)
First Men on the Moon:
"Justin Goes to the Moon" (Part 1--Simplified)
"Justin Goes to the Moon" (Part 1)
"Justin Goes to the Moon" (Part 2--two versions)
"Moon Talk--Apollo 11 (Long Version) grades 4-6+, middle school, high school, adults TIME: less than 21 min. CAST: 6+ (chorus) Readability: grade 5.0
"Moon Talk--Apollo 11 (Quick Version)" grades 4-6, middle school, high school, adults) Time: 13 min. Cast: 4+ (chorus) Readability: grade 5.8
"Moon Talk--Apollo 11 (Shortened)" grades 4-6+ TIME: 19 min. CAST: 5+ (chorus) Readability: grade 5.1
Great Depression:
"Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part I)" (grades 2-4+)
"Fuzzy, Pal, and Darrel (Part II) (grades 2-4+)
Inventors and Inventions
• Alexander Graham Bell: Inventor (e.g., telephone...)
"Alexander Graham Bell and Mr. Watson" (Two historic phone conversations using some original words) (grades 1-2, ESL/ELL, remedial middle and high school)
"Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) (grades 2-3, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) * Annotated links on his life–including historical documents.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor" Part I of two parts. (grades 4-8+) * Extensive annotated curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, and sound. CAST: 3-7 TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Full Class Version)" Part I of two parts. (grades 4-8+) *Extensive annotated curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, and sound. CAST: 6-23+ TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified)" Part I of two parts. (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) * Annotated links on his life–including historical documents related to his invention of the telephone. CAST: 3-7 TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Part I of two simplifed scripts for full class use. (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 6-23+ TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor" Stand alone script or use with Part I. (grades 5-8+, gifted grades 3-4) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Full Class Version)" Stand alone script or use with Part 1. (grades 5-8+, gifted grades 3-4) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" Stand alone script or use with Part 2 (Simplified). (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Stand alone script or use with Part 1 (Simplified). (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 3-28 TIME: 11+ min.
"Ring! Ring! Ring! Alexander Graham Bell" CHORAL fun. (grades K-1)
• Thomas Alva Edison: Inventor (e.g., light bulb...)
"Thomas Alva Edison: A Bright Boy Full of Surprises" (Middle School)
"Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Middle School)"
"Thomas Alva Edison: A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Simplified)" (grades 4-6)
"Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Simplified)" (grades 4-6)
Music History and Related Scripts:
• Home on the Range: Poem that became a viral song
"My Western Home on the Range" (grades 3-8+) True story behind the sponaneous poem becoming the folk song "Home on the Range."
"My Western Home on the Range (Simplified)" (grades 2-5) History of "Home on the Range"
"Not Your Home on the Range" (grades 2-5) Fun, one-page poem based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range"
"Oh, Give Me a Home in a Book" (grades 1-5) Based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range."
"The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics" (4 verses, grades 3-12)
Patriotic: (Click here to be taken to the Patriotic section)
Westward Movement:
"Kit Carson: Mountain Man (Part I--Easy Version)" (grades 2-4+)
"Kit Carson: Mountain Man (Part I)" (grades 3-5+)
"Kit Carson: Mountain Man and Guide (Part II)" (grades 4-6+)
"Kit Carson's Adventure with Amigo" (grades 3-6+)
"My Western Home on the Range" (grades 3-8+) True story behind the sponaneous poem becoming the folk song "Home on the Range."
"My Western Home on the Range (Simplified)" (grades 2-5) History of "Home on the Range"
"Andy's Not So Secret Message" (grades 4-8+) *character building
** HOLIDAYS & EVENTS--(Many free Readers Theater printable scripts.)
April Fools--
"The Big Red Cat" (Choral RT; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
Back to School--
"Back-to-School Team vs. Salamander Sly" (fall) (grades 2-6)
"Tribes and Teams Cheer" (Choral RT; grades K-5+, ESL, special ed) *character-building
Christmas (includes Epiphany or Three Kings Day):
"Epiphany Celebration: Wise Men Worship" (Mt. 2:1-15)
"In the Beginning: Christmas"
"Las Posadas: El Burro and the Miracle"
"Luke's Christmas--KJV"
"Not the Night Before Christmas"
"The Twelve Days of Christmas...Vacation" ("12 Days of Christmas...Vacation")
"Tobit's Christmas"
Columbus Day:
"Columbus Day Pretend Play" (private school version) (grades 3-5+)
"Pretend Play for Columbus Day" (public school version) (grades 3-5+)
"Pretend Play for Columbus Day (Shortened)" *same as link above except shortened to 4 1/2 min. to present to younger students
Earth Day:
(Also see environmental series on the American shad under "Science.")
"The Earth Day Hen and Friends" (2 Versions: Easy and Expanded) (grade 1+)
Election Day
"Andy's Not So Secret Message" (grades 4-8+) *character building
"The Boisterous Oyster" (grades 2-4) *character building
"The Boisterous Oyster (Advanced)" (grades 3-6+) *character building
"The Noisy Oyster" (grades 2-3) *character building
Father's Day:
"Funny Man in Blue" (grades 1-2, special ed)
"Hats Off to Dad!" (grade K-3)
"Wanted to Say" (grade 3-6+)
Flag Day:
"The Betsy Ross Story" (Includes former president George Washington)
Groundhog's Day:
"Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 1" (grades 3-5, ESL) *character-building
"Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 2" (grades 3-5, ESL) *character-building
"Waddles the Grateful Groundhog--Part 3" (grades 3-5, ESL) *character-building
Memorial Day:
"Sack Lunch Flying"(grade 4+)
Mother's Day:
"Mom: Every Day Is Mother's Day"
Patriot Day (Sept. 11):
"Never, Never, Never Forget 9/11" (grades 3-5, middle school, high school, adults)
"9/11 Heroes" (mature grades 1-3, ESL)
President's Day:
"Abraham Lincoln: It's Lincoln Penny Day!" (Two Versions: Group/Audience Participation or Short Version)
"President's Day Quiz Parade" (grade 3+)
"President's Day Quiz Parade--Primary" (grade 2+)
"President's Day Quiz Parade–(Grades 6-8)" (Includes George Washington and Abraham Lincoln stories and facts.)
"The Betsy Ross Story" (Includes former president George Washington)
Remembrance Day (Nov. 11 in Commonwealth Nations):
"Sack Lunch Flying"(grade 4+)
St. Patrick's Day:
"St. Patrick's Day Shamrock Radio Show" (grade 4-6)
Super Bowl:
"Super Bowl Students vs. Salamander Sly" (sports/football) (grades 3-7) *character-building
Teacher Appreciation Day:
"Three Cheers for Teachers!" (Choral Readers Theater)
"American Thanks"
"Give Thanks to the Lord: From Psalm 136 KJV" (2 Versions)
"Squanto's Squash" (Two versions: Group/Audience Participation or Short Version)
Valentine's Day:
"Oh, My Heart, Heart, Heart" (2-25+ readers or Choral RT; grades 2-6+)
Veteran's Day:
"Sack Lunch Flying" (grade 4+)
"Dog Jog Adventure" (grades 3-5, middle school, high school, adults)
"Dog Jog Adventure (Advanced vocabulary) (grades 3-5, middle school, high school)
"Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (Simplified) (grades 2-4) *Humorous, *Science/nature
"Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (grades 3-5) *Humorous, *Science/nature
"Here Comes Spring, Silly or Not!" (grade 2-4+)
"Kid's Talk Show Interview: Banana Man, the Not-So-Serious Spy" (2 versions) (grade 3+)
"Moon's Love Song (Choral Version)" (all ages, especially elementary)
"Moon's Love Song (Speaker Version)" (all ages, especially elementary) Cast=6
"Noodle Strudel" (grade 2-5+)
"St. Patrick's Day Shamrock Radio Show" (grade 4-6)
"The Cookie Crook" (grades 2-3, ESL, ELL)
"The Cookie Culprit" (grades 2-4)
"The Cookie Culprit (Advanced)" (grades 3-5+)
"The Earth Day Hen and Friends" (2 Versions: Easy and Expanded) (grade 1+)
"This Little Piggy Loves Jokes" (grades 2-4+)
"A Hoarse Horse" (Homonyms, Homophones) (Grades 1-2 with a cast of 2 or more)
"A Pair of Pears" (Homonyms/Homophones) (Cast of 4, primary readers in K-1, ESL,ELL)
"A Thesaurus Rain" (Synonyms) (Cast of 4-unlimited)
"Kid's Talk Show Interview: Banana Man, the Not-So-Serious Spy" (puns) (grade 3+)
"Plumpty Bumpty's Race" (poetry or other writing) (Cast: 2+, 2 choruses plus 3 voices) (grades 1-2+)
"Winter Wishes" (compound words) (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Come to My House" (2-part CHORAL poem, grades K-2)
"Moon's Love Song (Choral Version)" (grades 1-5+) *silly with science
"Moon's Love Song (Speaker Version)" (grades 1-5+ *silly with science
"Not the Night Before Christmas" (grades 2-5+) *silly with rhythm of the classic poem ""Twas the Night Before Christmas"
"Not Your Home on the Range" (grades 2-5) Fun, one-page poem based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range"
"Oh, Give Me a Home in a Book" (grades 1-5) Based on the lyrics to "Home on the Range."
"Plumpty Bumpty's Race" (poetry or other writing) (Cast: 2+, 2 choruses plus 3 voices) (grades 1-2+)
"Where Is Your House?" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-1)
Aesops Fables:
"Racer Rabbit's Marathon (A Fruitful Fable)" (grades 2+) *character-building
"The Beaver and the Lumberjack" with audio
"The Council of Mice"
"The Dog and the Wolf"
"The Fox and the Crow"
"The Frogs Who Wanted a King"
"The Miller, His Son, and Their Donkey--Crazy?"
"The Rooster and the Fox"
"The Salted Donkey"
"Chanticleer's Friends and the Fox" (based on Chaucer's tale from Canterbury Tales–but, I believe Chaucer wrote his tale from Aesop's fable "The Rooster and the Fox") (grades 3-5+)
Biblical Literature:
"Feeding the Multitude: Feeding the 4000" (grades 3-8+) *light-hearted script based on the classic Bible story
"Feeding the Multitude: Feeding the 5000" (grades 2-8+) *light-hearted script based on the classic Bible story
"Give Thanks to the Lord: From Paslm 136 KJV"
"Make a Joyful Noise! Psalm 100 KJV"
"Persistence Pays Parable--Luke 11:5-9"
"The Good Samaritan"
"The Rich Fool" (from Luke 12:16-21) (grades 1.5-5, middle school)
"The Sower and the Seed"
"The Unforgiving Servant" (from Matt. 18:23-34) (grades 3+)
Non-Fiction Stories:
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond (Simplified)" , about Grade 6, 13.5 min. *Bullying, *Adventure, *Character Building
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Apprenticeship and Beyond" , (From The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin–Chapters 1-5) Grades 6 - 8+, 13.5 min. *Bullying, *Adventure, *Character Building
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up (Simplified)" , about Grade 6, 7.5 min.
"Benjamin Franklin Speaks About Growing Up" , (From The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin–Chapter One) Grades 6 - 8+, 7.5 min.
"Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Simplified) (From a letter in which he shared an important lesson he learned as a boy.) Grades 6+, 5 minutes, *Finances, *Life's Lessons
"Benjamin Franklin's Whistle Story" (Middle School) , (From a letter he wrote Nov. 10, 1779.) Grades 7 - 9+, 5 min., *Finances, *Life's Lessons
"Percy and Pudge: The Sand Castle" (grades 2+, ESL) *character-building
"Persistence Pays Parable--Luke 11:5-9"
"The Good Samaritan"
"The Rich Fool" (from Luke 12:16-21) (grades 1.5-5, middle school)
"The Sower and the Seed"
"The Unforgiving Servant" (from Matt. 18:23-34) (grades 3+)
Tales (adapted from popular children's stories) and Tall Tales:
"Chanticleer's Friends and the Fox" (based on Chaucer's tale from Canterbury Tales–but, I believe Chaucer wrote his tale from Aesop's fable "The Rooster and the Fox") (grades 3-5+)
"Goldy Socks and the Three Hares" with audio
"Percy and Pudge: The Sand Castle" (grades 2+, ESL) *character-building
"The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part I" (grade 2-5+, ESL)
"The Bremen Town Detective Band--Part II" (grade 3-5+, ESL)
"The Little Red Rooster, Master Chef"
"This Little Piggy Loves Jokes" (grade 2-4+) (Charlotte's Web)
"When Kevin Burped (Advanced)–A Tall Tale" (grades 4-6) Silly. 7 1/2 min.
"When Kevin Burped (Easy)–A Tall Tale" (grades 1-3) Silly. 7 1/2 min.
"Harriet Tubman, Alias Moses: The Swamp Mystery"
"Mystery of the Missing Cat" (Based on a True Story) (grades 2-4)
"The Cookie Crook" (grades 2-3, ESL, ELL)
"The Sugar Spies"
"The F-I-B: Case #33"
"9/11 Heroes" (mature grades 1-3, ESL)
"Abraham Lincoln: It's Lincoln Penny Day!" (Two Versions: Group/Audience Participation or Short Version)
"Francis Scott Key, the Flag, and the Song" (grades 1-2)
"Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Simplified)" (grades 3-5+)
"Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner" (grades 4-6+)
"Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner (Middle School)" (grades 6-8+)
"How Beautiful"
"Never, Never, Never Forget 9/11" (grades 3-5, middle school, high school, adults)
"President's Day Quiz Parade"
"President's Day Quiz Parade–(Grades 6-8)" (Includes George Washington and Abraham Lincoln stories and facts.)
"President's Day Quiz Parade--Primary"
"Sack Lunch Flying" (grade 4+)
"The Betsy Ross Story" (Includes former president George Washington)
"The Star-Spangled Banner Lyrics" (4 verses, grades 3-12)
"Amos Root's Eyewitness Account of the Wright Brothers' Flight" (grades 4-12, adults)
"Fly a Bike?" (The Wright Brothers) (grades 2-5+, ESL...)
Inventors and Inventions
• Bell, Alexander Graham: Inventor (e.g., telephone...)
"Alexander Graham Bell and Mr. Watson" (Two historic phone conversations using some original words) (grades 1-2, ESL/ELL, remedial middle and high school)
"Alexander Graham Bell and the Talking Dog" (True story from his teen years.) (grades 2-3, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) * Annotated links on sound, inventions, and Bell (the inventor of the telephone)
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor" Part I of two parts. (grades 4-8+) * Extensive annotated curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, and sound. CAST: 3-7 TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Full Class Version)" Part I of two parts. (grades 4-8+) *Extensive annotated curriculum links on Bell, the telephone, hearing, and sound. CAST: 6-23+ TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified)" Part I of two parts. (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) * Annotated links on sound, inventions, and Bell (the inventor of the telephone) CAST: 3-7 TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part I: Childhood Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Part I of two simplifed scripts for full class use. (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 6-23+ TIME: 6 1/2 min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor" Stand alone script or use with Part 1. (grades 5-8+, gifted grades 3-4) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Full Class Version)" Stand alone script or use with Part 1. (grades 5-8+, gifted grades 3-4) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified)" Stand alone script or use with Part 2 (Simplified). (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 3-8 TIME: 11+ min.
"Alexander Graham Bell–Part 2: Teacher and Inventor (Simplified Full Class Version)" Stand alone script or use with Part 1 (Simplified). (grades 3-4, ESL/ELL, remedial middle school and high school) CAST: 3-28 TIME: 11+ min.
"Ring! Ring! Ring! Alexander Graham Bell" CHORAL fun. (grades K-1)
• Edison, Thomas Alva: Inventor (electric light bulb, phonograph...)
"Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life–Simplified) Grades 5+ --Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity. Time = 4.5 min
"Thomas Alva Edison: A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Simplified)" Grades 5+ --Edison's boyhood. Time = 7 min
"Thomas Alva Edison: A Bright Boy Full of Surprises (Middle School)" Grades 6+ --Edison's boyhood. Includes Edison quotes. Time = 7 min
"Thomas Edison–Inventor (Part 2 of his life) (Middle School) Grades 7+ --Edison's life when he was experimenting with electricity. Includes Edison quotes. Time = 4.5 min
• Franklin, Ben: Inventor (bifocal eyeglasses, lightning rod, Franklin Stove...)
"The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" (Simplified) About grade 6, 7 min. *Character Building *Teaching Writing
"The Benjamin Franklin Idea and Invention Show" Grades 7 - 9+, 7.5 min. *Character Building *Teaching Writing
"Afraid of the Dark?" (grades 1-3, ESL, special ed) (owls & fireflies)
"Ant Hill Heroes" (grades K-2+) *character building
"Bees, Crickets, Ladybugs and What?" (grades K-3+) *character building
"Fancy Frogs" (grades 1-3) *poetic word pictures for frog fun
"Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (Simplified) (grades 2-4) *Humorous, *Science/nature
"Farmer Funzy: Ducks vs. Chickens" (grades 3-5) *Humorous, *Science/nature
"Fireflies Hide and Seek" (grades K-2+)
"Flying Baloney" (grades 2-5+, ESL) nature study of surprise visitor
"Hip Hop Water Drop!"
"Kids Save Shad" (Choral RT) (grades 1-3) Cast=3-4+(4 choruses)
"Leaf Maze" (grades 1-3, ESL, Special Ed)
"Save the Zoo! (Aussie Version–Part 1) (grades 3-5) Cast=6-10+ (optional chorus) *annotated curriculum links for respect, marsupials and more *character-building
"Save the Zoo! (Aussie Version–Part 2) (grades 3-5) Cast=6-10+ (optional chorus) *annotated curriculum links for respect, marsupials and more
"Save the Zoo! (American Version–Part 1) (grades 3-5) Cast=6-10+ (optional chorus) *annotated curriculum links for respect, marsupials and more *character-building
"Save the Zoo! (American Version–Part 2) (grades 3-5) Cast=6-10+ (optional chorus) *annotated curriculum links for respect, marsupials and more *character-building
"Shad Rhythm and Cheer" (Choral RT) (grades 1-3) Cast=3+(choral)
"Students Save Shad" (Part I) (grades 3-6+) Cast=6-21+
"Students Save Shad" (Part II) (grades 3-6+) Cast=8+
"Students Save Shad" (Part III) (grades 3-6+) Cast=10-12
"Talking Pets-Beyond Earth Day" (toxic environment) (grades 4 to adult) Cast: 6
"The Earth Day Hen and Friends" (2 Versions: Easy and Expanded) (grade 1+)
"Toadis Lives at My House" (Choral RT; grades K-2, ESL, ELL, special ed) *based on a true story about a toad *annotated curriculum links for frogs and toads
"Justin Goes to the Moon" (Part 1--Simplified)
"Justin Goes to the Moon" (Part 1)
"Justin Goes to the Moon" (Part 2--two versions)
"Moon Dreams" (grades 1-2, special ed) *character-building
"Moon Friend" (grades 1-2, Special Ed, ESL) *character-building
"Moon's Love Song (Choral Version)" (all ages, especially elementary) Cast=2+
"Moon's Love Song (Speaker Version)" (all ages, especially elementary) Cast=6
"Moon Talk--Apollo 11 (Long Version) grades 4-6+, middle school, high school, adults TIME: less than 21 min. CAST: 6+ (chorus) Readability: grade 5.0
"Moon Talk--Apollo 11 (Quick Version)" grades 4-6, middle school, high school, adults) Time: 13 min. Cast: 4+ (chorus) Readability: grade 5.8
"Moon Talk--Apollo 11 (Shortened)" grades 4-6+ TIME: 19 min. Cast: 5+ (chorus) Readability: grade 5.1
"The Mighty Moon (U.S. Version)" (grades 2-7) Cast=3-12+
"The Mighty Moon (Metric Version)" (grades 2-7) Cast=3-12+
"Back-to-School Team vs. Salamander Sly" (fall) (grades 2-6)
"Leaf Maze" (grades 1-3, ESL, Special Ed)
"Here Comes Spring, Silly or Not!" (grades 2-4+)
"Super Bowl Students vs. Salamander Sly" (sports/football...) (grades 3-7) *character-building
"Sweet Snow" (Choral RT; grades 1-3, ESL, special ed, remedial)
"Winter Faces" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Winter Wishes" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-2, ESL, special ed)
"Andy's Not So Secret Message" (grades 4-8+) *character building
"Funny Man in Blue" (grades 1-2, special ed) *community workers or community helpers
"Hats Off to Dad!" (grade K-3)*community workers or community helpers
"The Boisterous Oyster" (grades 2-4) *character building *elections
"The Boisterous Oyster (Advanced)" (grades 3-6+) *character building
"The Noisy Oyster" (grades 2-3) *character building *elections
"Where Is Your House?" (Choral RT or 2 readers; grades K-1)
"Back-to-School Team vs. Salamander Sly" (fall) (grades 2-6)
"Flying B for Baloney" (grades 1-3+, ESL) (backyard baseball)
"Flying Baloney" (grades 2-5+, ESL) (backyard baseball)
"Friends at Bat" (grades 1-3+, ESL) *character-building (playground baseball)
"Pals at Bat" (emergent, grades K-2, ESL, Special Ed) (playground baseball)
"Racer Rabbit's Marathon (A Fruitful Fable)" (grades 2+) *character-building (cross-country marathon)
"Super Bowl Students vs. Salamander Sly" (sports/football) (grades 3-7) *character-building

For more information on the Script Buffet Club click this article title...
"Why Do Teachers and Parents Join Readers Theater All Year's Script Buffet Club?"
* Most recent exclusive Script Buffet Club Readers Theater articles and scripts listed below: