Book Reviews (RT and more)

ReadersTheaterAllYearBugHave you ever ordered a Readers Theater book and been disappointed?  It has happened too many times to me.  Here you'll find honest reviews of Readers Theater books.  I know I've spent money purchasing script books that disappointed me.  You should not have to do the same. 

My bias is toward Readers Theater scripts that are fun, educational, and leave a positive impression. Let's build leaders and creators by choosing books and scripts that will motivate students to read, write, and speak positively!

Below you'll see book reviews of a few popular Readers Theater books.  (Some other Readers Theater script books were so disappointing to me, I couldn't write the negative review.)

Recent articles

  Fifty Fabulous Fables--Beginning Readers Theater
  Review: Readers Theatre in the Middle School and Junior High Classroom
  Review: Readers Theater for Building Fluency
  Review: 25 Just-Right Plays for Emergent Readers